Friday, April 30, 2010

jumpin' on the bandwagon

Fine. Since everyone else is blogging (ahem Hannah and Matney), I guess I will blog too. The old blog is getting a little dusty and my blogging skillzzz are getting a little rusty.

Life lately:
-Today was the last day of class. I can't say that I'm sad.
-Next week I have four finals. I should probably start cracking open those books.
-Can't crack open the books until I get back from AUSTIN on Saturday. (It's Nicole's 21st birthday celebration)
-Dia Delo Oso was pretty stinkin fun. Matney Rae Smitherman joined for the festivities and she got to meet a Harry Potter/McLovin/Wizard character (looong story for another blog, another time)
-I'm officially taking the LSAT in September and will be applying to law schools next fall
-I will hopefully be able to join Smitherman and Stewart for a reunion on May 21st (Hannah turns 21 FINALLY on May 12)
-The parentals came to Waco last weekend. 'twas fun.
-Vanessa is moving out of the apartment in May and Jennifer is going to Haiti for all of June, so I will be pretty lonely for about a month (visitors welcome)
-I'm starting my minimester on May 13 - I'm taking speech - It's only 10 days so I should live

I'm not good at organizing my thoughts so this blog is kind of random, not chronological and assorted strangely. Please forgive me.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Dia Del Oso

Day of the Bear 2010