Friday, June 12, 2009


game plan for tonight: the josh abbott band at wild west with the loves of my life :)

i'll let you in on a little secret. i can't two step if my life depended on it. i'm from the hill country...which means that i should have a pretty good upbringing on two stepping and whatnot. but i can't do it. i've watched youtube videos and tried to learn...then i practice in the mirror and it's just ugly. the dancing department in general i have always come up a little short.

it shall be interesting though.

i also do not own any cowboy boots. that statement makes me very sad. so if you are reading this and would like to donate to the katie cowboy boots fund, please do not hesitate to do so. i wear a size 8 and would greatly appreciate any donation in any condition.

side note:
Brian is riding home in the storm with my parents.
1. he put 2 seasons of entourage on his ipod so he could "have a reason not to converse with my parents for 4 hours" - my dad likes to talk.
2. on the way out the door of my apartment, i started picking a price tag off of something in the middle of my hugs and kisses to the parentals. my mom thought this was hilarious and proceeded to tell brian: "you are going to have a very interesting wife."
3. the storm is going straight through san saba. where are my parents driving? straight through san saba. they will not change their course.
4. Brian made the hardest decision of his life just prior to my parents getting into waco: he purchased sperrys. FRAT ATTACK. I knew he would come around. better yet, he's already wearing them. "to break them in," he says. psh, yeah right. he is frat at heart.
5. today was my mom's birthday. i got her a george forman. she made me cupcakes and brownies. happy birthday ... mom(?)

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