The weekend was really fun! There was a lot going on just because it's the first weekend of school and no one has tests yet and I had a great time going out with my girlfriends. Saturday was the Margarita and Salsa Festival and bands like Randy Rogers and Eli Young were there!
Sunday is winding down now and I'm reading for one of my Marketing classes...I'm actually enjoying the textbook. What??? Yes, that is correct. I'm. enjoying. my. text. book.
I think the roomies and I are going to have one of my friends who is a photography/journalism major take pictures of us for the apartment. She is wanting to take pictures to build her portfolio so she is doing it for freeeeeeee so I'm really excited about that. We just have to find a day/weekend where me and jennifer and vanessa are all free. That's going to be the hardest part - we have completely different schedules! But hopefully it will work out because I think it would be completely cool and absolutely cheesy to frame a large picture of the 3 of us in the living room. ahhh, please let that happen.
Have a great week! and matney (since you are just starting class), GOOD LUCK. and don't walk on the grass.