Today has been a pretty lazy day. It's welcome weekend so there has been a lot going on ever since I got back from the beach. Tonight won't be any different. I enjoy that, and it makes me ready for school to start ...seeing all the new freshman out at parties has been fun. It will be interesting to see what Theta's new pledge class is like this year. There's a whole semester before rush starts ... that I am very glad about. I don't think I could deal with rush right now...although I'm a gamma chi this year so I don't have to actually be in on as much stuff as normal.
I'm not ready for classes to begin. If it weren't for class, college would be great. haha. I don't really believe that...I enjoy some of my classes and since I'm actually going to be starting in on classes that pertain to my major it should be a lot better.
This was a pointless blog. I'll leave you with a picture of me and my littles. I'm not sure why. I just like the picture. It describes our little family perfectly!

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