I am not a morning person.
Anyone who knows me well enough will know that last semester when I had 9:05am classes, I literally woke up at 8:50, rolled into my shoes and a clean shirt, grabbed my binder, and booked it to the business school. It's not that I'm lazy. I have just had a long history of staying up long into the morning hours. 3am is a normal bedtime for me. That's my bedtime whether or not I have an 8am wakeup call the next morning, so I just kind of have to deal with it.
I would love to be the person who wakes up at 6:30am every morning, goes for a light jog, takes a warm shower, brews a pot of strong coffee, watches CNN while getting ready for the day. I would love to be in bed by 11pm or midnight every night. However and quite unfortunately for my health, I am the insomniac who would rather run at night time, get a frappuccino after the run, and then shower to prepare for long nights of studying, walmart explorations, or Judge Baylor photo ops, wired from the late night rush of caffeine.
If it's any consolation, I was never late for my 9:05 morning class.
Believe me, I have tried to fix my sleep schedule. I have recently been hitting the pillow no later than 2am in preparation for my wakeup call at 8:15. Maybe I'm on to something. The morning isn't quite so cruel with 6+ hours of sleep under my belt.
As nice as it is to wake up before lunch time, however, I revert to my old habits on the weekend. Maybe I am forever destined to roll out of bed a bit groggy and lacking zzz's. Or maybe one day, after years of muddling my sleep schedule, I will wake up at 7am from a healthy 8 hours of sleep and put on my jogging shoes, take a shower, and drink a cup of strong coffee.
Until that day, I will thrive off of 6 hours and be content with the stars as my running partner.
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