today so far:
-waking up later than normal
-getting to work earlier than usual ... go figure
-useless and non-monumental studying of Managerial Accounting
-visit at work by boyfriend
-daydreams of Starbucks
-request of Starbucks by friends (those requests have proved futile thus far. I am still caffeine-less)
-lab girl telling me that I had a cute purse
-10 pieces of notebook paper used for Accounting studies
-thoughts of Jennifer's metallic green jump drive
mind thoughts:
-The black cat at home. Indie.
-Wal-Mart trip to print off pictures from the metallic green jump drive
-Managerial Accounting. I have a test tonight.
-Iced Coffee with white mocha hopefully being delivered soon-ish.
-Exciting events in the near future that will get me out of Waco for a bit
-I should be studying right now.
-Vanessa gets back from Chicago the 29th. Roomie photoshoot shall commence
Time to get back to work/studying/people watching. Have a spectacular day. Don't put too much clutter on your bookshelves.
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