I woke up approximately 5 minutes later to an unwelcomed voice asking me to unjam the printer. I obliged, only to realize that I'm not very technologically inclined, but can easily hit a printer and press buttons until it starts working again (something that the average person could do without waking me up from my slumber). I was still feeling pretty apathetic when I remembered that Jennifer said she might be bringing me a coffee home from Starbucks for my "break" in between work and school. Thinking of the coffee sitting in the fridge at home...just waiting for me... ah, the suspense.
Jennifer Sterrett, you are my hero.I started watching Harry Potter: Chamber of Secrets online (I'm watching all of the Harry Potter movies for the first time and they are actually quite good) because I could not bear to find out the ugly truth about Operating Leverage: unless you are an accounting major, there really is no need for this in every day life. In fact, even if you are an accounting major, you will graduate only to find that what you learned has become obsolete anyway. Wow, Daniel Radcliffe's voice is already changing in the second HP movie. Interesting.
44 minutes and 38 seconds through Chamber of Secrets a cheerful-regardless-of-having-to-wake-up-at-four-thirty-in-the-morning Jennifer comes into the lab holding in her hand none other than Starbucks. Coffee Generosity=Glorious day. Being room mates with a Starbucks employee definitely has its perks. Not to mention sometimes I get to wear The Infamous Barista Apron.
After "borrowing" jump drives from the lost and found of the computer lab area, Jennifer was on her way home to our humble abode for a well deserved nap. And I am much more awake now thanks to my coffee fix.

The little things are truly worth celebrating.
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