Tuesday, March 16, 2010


I should be studying. But of course I'm not. I'm still in spring break mode, which may or may not be a good thing. It's probably a bad thing.

I have been thinking a lot about my future lately and frankly IM FREAKING OUT. What does a person do after college and why do we ever have to leave this comfortable little bubble? School has been my life for 14 years. And that's all I know. I've spent 14 years of my life learning stuff and pretty soon I'm going to have to go out into the "real world" (still not sure what those words completely entail yet, thus the quotations) and make a life out of it.

Law school is a potentially appealing option. Though I can't afford LSAT prep classes. That's not necessarily a bad thing because I know of many people that don't take the prep classes and still get into law school. Do I just want to go to law school to continue this learning thing for a few more years? Maybe. Do I actually want to be an attorney and help people out and potentially draft some sweet legislation for the corporate world? Yeah, I do.

Billable hours sound pretty great too.

There are just so many things I can do with this life so how do I know which choice(s) are the right ones? Yikes, sounds like I've got my brain full for a while. I'm sure that there is a plan for me and for now I just need to keep workin' on that plan and say YES to opportunities that come my way.

SPRING BREAK WAS GREAT and awesome and amazing and fantastic. I got to spend 9 days at the beach with my best friends with zero obligations and pretty decent weather. All for $250 (not including food, of course). I feel extremely lucky that I get to experience things like that in this life. It was a very surreal week. And it will not be soon forgotten...as noted by my lack of school motivation.

The fam is coming to Waco Thursday to have dinner with me and it will be little bro's first time to see the good old Baylor/Waco community. I'm sure he is just SO excited . . . ha.

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