Friday, February 26, 2010

School and Life and Stuff

Ah, the blogosphere.

Hello loyal followers (are there like 2 of you out there?) and welcome back. The computer lab always seems to be such a conducive place for blogging. I'm fairly certain this is because I'm extremely and perpetually, for lack of a better word, bored. Yeah, I have 4 tons of homework that I could - and should - be working on, but sometimes I'd rather peruse the depths of the Web, or find out the Urbandictionary word of the day.

By the way, today's word is:
dead cat bounce
Investor slang; a brief recovery in the price of a falling stock. Term is derived from the idea that "even a dead cat will bounce if it falls from a great height."

A little morbid, but that's Urbandic for you.

Mommy, if you're reading this: I had a blast with you and popster this weekend. I'm glad I got to broaden your dining horizons and try out some of the fine eateries in Wacko. SING was also super fun. I'm glad y'all came :) I can't wait for the summer when I get to paint my bedroom for you. Oh, and I checked out and they have A TON of people who are selling aprons. There is one person that I found who has sold over 4,000 aprons in just a couple of years. FOUR THOUSAND. Mom, that could be you! If you need help setting stuff up, let me know. Congrats on becoming a potential small business-er.

I think Brian and I are going to see the movie Shutter Island tonight when I get off work. Yahoo gave it decent reviews and I haven't seen a legit suspense movie I'm excited. Date night!

In other news, school is so busy right now. and next week is going to be BRUTAL. I have FIVE exams and the first part of the newsletter for my internship is supposed to be finished. Eeek. I have not done much work on that, partly because I am trying to re-learn InDesign (Matney, do you remember using InDesign in newspaper and yearbook class?? Yeah, well I have to re-learn it now. Sort of makes me wish I would have taken newspaper more seriously...ha) ...

and InDesign is not a terrbily complicated program, but re-learning it well enough to produce a professional newsletter to be distributed over Waco is going to be a little trying. Especially since I have, oh just this weekend, to re-learn the dang thing. Goody for procrastination and my terrible tendancy to be triggered by its stressors.

I think I will also be gaining about 10 pounds this week due to the massive - but not unappreciated - amounts of chocolate, carbs and cookies that were gratefully delivered to me by madre and padre yesterday. Spring break swimsuit season is looking grim. But guess what?

It's spring break and I get to go to Florida for over a week with my best friends and just lay out and soak in life and stuff. So I really don't care if I look like a bloated whale on my journey across state. The boyfriend I have won't have to see me in said bloated state, so I guess I don't care. He'll be in Kerrville enjoying the scenery, while I'm in FL enjoying the...scenery. Different scenery, that is. I'm rambling.

And I just realized that this is quite a long post. Farewell blogosphere.

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