Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Thoughts and stuff

it's a crazy thing, this life. Whoever described it as a rollercoaster hit the nail on the head (sorry for that explosion of cliches - all in one sentence. Dr. Owens would not approve of such poor journalistic behavior).

Today in my public relations class, we were discussing our life plans. We turned in a career plan that outlined the classes we needed to take to graduate, then on to what we thought we'd be doing in the next 10 to 20 years. 10 to 20 years? Is that a joke?

I can hardly keep up with what I'm doing tomorrow, let alone what I'll be doing when I'm wrinkly and more arthritic (exaggeration...I'll get Botox)... I digress.

There was a girl in the class that openly admitted that she was terrified about growing up and what this life has in store for her. I silently thanked her for verbalizing what I (and hopefully the entire class) was thinking. The career plan was an extremely difficult assignment for me...and maybe it's because I'm admittedly indecisive or maybe it's because "real" life is scary, shockingly honest, and terribly ... real.

I enjoy the heck out of this life. I enjoy my friends and my job and my classes (most of them) and adventures and late nights in the library and rainy days where I consider buying rainboots (but never will for risk of being a hypocrit). I enjoy Waco more often than not. I enjoy roadtrips and parent visits and writing and yeah, I guess I enjoy blogging too. I like yoga and pilates and trying new foods (but never sushi). This life is fun.

And there's no other moment like this moment that's ever going to happen again. Isn't that crazy to think about? Does it blow your mind? Each moment is just one chance to do what we want and we'll never get that moment back. Enjoy the heck out every moment, I guess that's what I'm trying to say. Though I don't really know what I'm trying to say and if you're reading this, you probably shouldn't be listening to me anyway because I'm clearly not the best life coach.

Just believe that you're unbelievably blessed to be living in this moment right now. Unbelivably blessed.

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