Saturday, January 23, 2010

That polka dot bikini

If you're like me and are in denial about your health and workout ethic ("It's okay if I eat these 6 slices of extra cheese and italian sausage Domino's pizza because I'll just work it off tomorrow." Just FYI, tomorrow came and I never worked out.), and you need some motivation to get into spring break shape in 42 days .. I have the solution for you.

If you're lacking motivation to work out, try on your favorite bathing suit (the one you will be wearing for the majority of SB 10) and take a picture of yourself in it. You are not allowed to suck in anywhere and you're not allowed to stand in a flattering position (i.e. hand over stomach, leg arched, arms on hips). Stand the way you would stand if you were standing on a scale.

Now, take a picture of yourself like that. And upload it onto your computer and admire. If you like what you see, well I'd say you're in pretty good shape...or you have egocentric bias. Because what girl likes the way she looks in a bathing suit picture on her computer right after holiday season?? Not I.

Here is the picture that I took of myself below:

Okay, not really. Did you actually think I would show the world that picture?

I have been taking Yoga and Pilates classes this week (one of each was all time permitted), but I I also ran the bear trail last night and I'm planning on running it again today. My goal is to attend Yoga and Pilates the amount that they offered each week (7-8pm Mon thru Thurs) and run the bear trail 3x a week and get some modest weight lifting in on Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday. I think that is an attainable goal.

Oh yeah, and no more 6 slices of pizza.

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