Ah, the blogosphere.
Hello loyal followers (are there like 2 of you out there?) and welcome back. The computer lab always seems to be such a conducive place for blogging. I'm fairly certain this is because I'm extremely and perpetually, for lack of a better word, bored. Yeah, I have 4 tons of homework that I could - and should - be working on, but sometimes I'd rather peruse the depths of the Web, or find out the Urbandictionary word of the day.
By the way, today's word is:
dead cat bounce
Investor slang; a brief recovery in the price of a falling stock. Term is derived from the idea that "even a dead cat will bounce if it falls from a great height."
A little morbid, but that's Urbandic for you.
Mommy, if you're reading this: I had a blast with you and popster this weekend. I'm glad I got to broaden your dining horizons and try out some of the fine eateries in Wacko. SING was also super fun. I'm glad y'all came :) I can't wait for the summer when I get to paint my bedroom for you. Oh, and I checked out etsy.com and they have A TON of people who are selling aprons. There is one person that I found who has sold over 4,000 aprons in just a couple of years. FOUR THOUSAND. Mom, that could be you! If you need help setting stuff up, let me know. Congrats on becoming a potential small business-er.
I think Brian and I are going to see the movie Shutter Island tonight when I get off work. Yahoo gave it decent reviews and I haven't seen a legit suspense movie lately...so I'm excited. Date night!
In other news, school is so busy right now. and next week is going to be BRUTAL. I have FIVE exams and the first part of the newsletter for my internship is supposed to be finished. Eeek. I have not done much work on that, partly because I am trying to re-learn InDesign (Matney, do you remember using InDesign in newspaper and yearbook class?? Yeah, well I have to re-learn it now. Sort of makes me wish I would have taken newspaper more seriously...ha) ...
and InDesign is not a terrbily complicated program, but re-learning it well enough to produce a professional newsletter to be distributed over Waco is going to be a little trying. Especially since I have, oh just this weekend, to re-learn the dang thing. Goody for procrastination and my terrible tendancy to be triggered by its stressors.
I think I will also be gaining about 10 pounds this week due to the massive - but not unappreciated - amounts of chocolate, carbs and cookies that were gratefully delivered to me by madre and padre yesterday. Spring break swimsuit season is looking grim. But guess what?
It's spring break and I get to go to Florida for over a week with my best friends and just lay out and soak in life and stuff. So I really don't care if I look like a bloated whale on my journey across state. The boyfriend I have won't have to see me in said bloated state, so I guess I don't care. He'll be in Kerrville enjoying the scenery, while I'm in FL enjoying the...scenery. Different scenery, that is. I'm rambling.
And I just realized that this is quite a long post. Farewell blogosphere.
Friday, February 26, 2010
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Thoughts and stuff
it's a crazy thing, this life. Whoever described it as a rollercoaster hit the nail on the head (sorry for that explosion of cliches - all in one sentence. Dr. Owens would not approve of such poor journalistic behavior).
Today in my public relations class, we were discussing our life plans. We turned in a career plan that outlined the classes we needed to take to graduate, then on to what we thought we'd be doing in the next 10 to 20 years. 10 to 20 years? Is that a joke?
I can hardly keep up with what I'm doing tomorrow, let alone what I'll be doing when I'm wrinkly and more arthritic (exaggeration...I'll get Botox)... I digress.
There was a girl in the class that openly admitted that she was terrified about growing up and what this life has in store for her. I silently thanked her for verbalizing what I (and hopefully the entire class) was thinking. The career plan was an extremely difficult assignment for me...and maybe it's because I'm admittedly indecisive or maybe it's because "real" life is scary, shockingly honest, and terribly ... real.
I enjoy the heck out of this life. I enjoy my friends and my job and my classes (most of them) and adventures and late nights in the library and rainy days where I consider buying rainboots (but never will for risk of being a hypocrit). I enjoy Waco more often than not. I enjoy roadtrips and parent visits and writing and yeah, I guess I enjoy blogging too. I like yoga and pilates and trying new foods (but never sushi). This life is fun.
And there's no other moment like this moment that's ever going to happen again. Isn't that crazy to think about? Does it blow your mind? Each moment is just one chance to do what we want and we'll never get that moment back. Enjoy the heck out every moment, I guess that's what I'm trying to say. Though I don't really know what I'm trying to say and if you're reading this, you probably shouldn't be listening to me anyway because I'm clearly not the best life coach.
Just believe that you're unbelievably blessed to be living in this moment right now. Unbelivably blessed.
Today in my public relations class, we were discussing our life plans. We turned in a career plan that outlined the classes we needed to take to graduate, then on to what we thought we'd be doing in the next 10 to 20 years. 10 to 20 years? Is that a joke?
I can hardly keep up with what I'm doing tomorrow, let alone what I'll be doing when I'm wrinkly and more arthritic (exaggeration...I'll get Botox)... I digress.
There was a girl in the class that openly admitted that she was terrified about growing up and what this life has in store for her. I silently thanked her for verbalizing what I (and hopefully the entire class) was thinking. The career plan was an extremely difficult assignment for me...and maybe it's because I'm admittedly indecisive or maybe it's because "real" life is scary, shockingly honest, and terribly ... real.
I enjoy the heck out of this life. I enjoy my friends and my job and my classes (most of them) and adventures and late nights in the library and rainy days where I consider buying rainboots (but never will for risk of being a hypocrit). I enjoy Waco more often than not. I enjoy roadtrips and parent visits and writing and yeah, I guess I enjoy blogging too. I like yoga and pilates and trying new foods (but never sushi). This life is fun.
And there's no other moment like this moment that's ever going to happen again. Isn't that crazy to think about? Does it blow your mind? Each moment is just one chance to do what we want and we'll never get that moment back. Enjoy the heck out every moment, I guess that's what I'm trying to say. Though I don't really know what I'm trying to say and if you're reading this, you probably shouldn't be listening to me anyway because I'm clearly not the best life coach.
Just believe that you're unbelievably blessed to be living in this moment right now. Unbelivably blessed.
Monday, February 8, 2010
Umbrellas look like turkey legs.
Hello blogosphere.
You'll be delighted to know that the forecast in good old Waco, Texas is a beautiful 44 degrees with 86 percent humidity; rainy, muggy and downright disgusting. My shoes are soaked, my Northface is probably ruined, and the top of my hair is matted down with rainwater.
Other blogworthy news: I just had my advising appointment and planned out my graduation plan. Scary! I filled out the name I'd like on my diploma (Mom, you'll be happy that I filled it out as Katherine, not Katie). Katherine J. Beck. I also changed my major...AGAIN. Don't kill me, I'll still be graduating on time (May 2011) and I'm now a Marketing and Management double major-er. I'm also considering law school (I ordered some LSAT books today and have started researching LSAT prep classes. What I've learned from that process is that LSAT prep classes are not cheap! Okay, I already knew that, but it's heartwarming to know that the gross expenses for LSAT prep classes only grow exponentially larger in law school).
If you're wondering, yes, I have had all sorts of ambiguity with my major thus far. Here's a run down of the various majors I have held (because I know you're intrigued, thoroughly):
Freshman - Psychology/Pre-Dent; Biology/Pre-Dent
Sophomore - Business, Undeclared/Pre-Dent; Business/Undeclared NO MORE Pre-Dent
Junior - Marketing and Business Journalism; Marketing and Management/Pre-Law
Senior - Hopefully Marketing and Management/ Pre-Law
As you can see, I have had quite a bit of mind-changing. And I think that's alright. I think that the whole graduating in four years thing is overrated. Although I'm still graduating in four years. I just don't see how 18, 19, and 20 year olds are supposed to figure out WHAT IN THE WORLD to do with our lives in the short time we're in college. Granted, we're probably supposed to already have an IDEA when we graduate high school, but I don't think I'm alone when I say that I didn't really have a clue.
Je ne sais pas.
You'll be delighted to know that the forecast in good old Waco, Texas is a beautiful 44 degrees with 86 percent humidity; rainy, muggy and downright disgusting. My shoes are soaked, my Northface is probably ruined, and the top of my hair is matted down with rainwater.
Other blogworthy news: I just had my advising appointment and planned out my graduation plan. Scary! I filled out the name I'd like on my diploma (Mom, you'll be happy that I filled it out as Katherine, not Katie). Katherine J. Beck. I also changed my major...AGAIN. Don't kill me, I'll still be graduating on time (May 2011) and I'm now a Marketing and Management double major-er. I'm also considering law school (I ordered some LSAT books today and have started researching LSAT prep classes. What I've learned from that process is that LSAT prep classes are not cheap! Okay, I already knew that, but it's heartwarming to know that the gross expenses for LSAT prep classes only grow exponentially larger in law school).
If you're wondering, yes, I have had all sorts of ambiguity with my major thus far. Here's a run down of the various majors I have held (because I know you're intrigued, thoroughly):
Freshman - Psychology/Pre-Dent; Biology/Pre-Dent
Sophomore - Business, Undeclared/Pre-Dent; Business/Undeclared NO MORE Pre-Dent
Junior - Marketing and Business Journalism; Marketing and Management/Pre-Law
Senior - Hopefully Marketing and Management/ Pre-Law
As you can see, I have had quite a bit of mind-changing. And I think that's alright. I think that the whole graduating in four years thing is overrated. Although I'm still graduating in four years. I just don't see how 18, 19, and 20 year olds are supposed to figure out WHAT IN THE WORLD to do with our lives in the short time we're in college. Granted, we're probably supposed to already have an IDEA when we graduate high school, but I don't think I'm alone when I say that I didn't really have a clue.
Je ne sais pas.
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
This post is awkward.

When I decided to join a sorority freshman year, I was a little uncertain that it would be the right thing for me. I'm not the most "HEY GIRL I'M LIKE TOTALLY EXCITED TO HANG OUT WITH MY SISTAS LIKE ALL THE TIME. YEAH" person ... I've always felt that I got along better with guys. But I thought that it couldn't hurt to rush. College is about re-inventing yourself, right? Maybe there's a part of me that really does want strong relationships with girls.
I didn't know anything about sororities either. The only thing I knew was that two of my good friends from high school had already rushed in the fall (Baylor has deferred spring rush) and it sounded like they were having a fun time... and I figured I didn't have much to lose. My roommate freshman year was also gung-ho about rushing so I was influenced by that as well.
I can honestly say that becoming a Theta was one of the best choices of my life. Without sounding too cliche, I always have a girfriend that I can hang out with - whether it be a study date, going out for dinner or drinks, seeing a movie, or just lounging at home in our socks and watching HGTV. Being a member of a sorority has changed my perception of friendships, for the better.
I'm glad that I decided to try something new because it has opened up my life to many other experiences, networking and relationships that I would not have had otherwise.
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