Fine. Since everyone else is blogging (ahem Hannah and Matney), I guess I will blog too. The old blog is getting a little dusty and my blogging skillzzz are getting a little rusty.
Life lately:
-Today was the last day of class. I can't say that I'm sad.
-Next week I have four finals. I should probably start cracking open those books.
-Can't crack open the books until I get back from AUSTIN on Saturday. (It's Nicole's 21st birthday celebration)
-Dia Delo Oso was pretty stinkin fun. Matney Rae Smitherman joined for the festivities and she got to meet a Harry Potter/McLovin/Wizard character (looong story for another blog, another time)
-I'm officially taking the LSAT in September and will be applying to law schools next fall
-I will hopefully be able to join Smitherman and Stewart for a reunion on May 21st (Hannah turns 21 FINALLY on May 12)
-The parentals came to Waco last weekend. 'twas fun.
-Vanessa is moving out of the apartment in May and Jennifer is going to Haiti for all of June, so I will be pretty lonely for about a month (visitors welcome)
-I'm starting my minimester on May 13 - I'm taking speech - It's only 10 days so I should live
I'm not good at organizing my thoughts so this blog is kind of random, not chronological and assorted strangely. Please forgive me.
Friday, April 30, 2010
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Elite 8, Road Trips and Homecookin'
What a great weekend!
I don't even care that Baylor lost to Duke in the final half of the Elite 8 game. It was such an awesome game and weekend and SEASON for Baylor. Yes, I'm what you would call a fair weather fan, but I have a feeling that I'm going to become a hardcore legit Baylor basketball fan now. I am so proud of the basketball team.
The Bears have not participated in an Elite 8 tournament since 1950! And I got to see them play this weekend.
Brian and I went to College Station Saturday night and went to Northgate. I had a lot of fun. Not to mention the fact that I hadn't actually hung out with Matney since last October-ish! It was a great weekend and I'm gearing up for a relatively low stress week. Then Easter break! We get Friday AND Monday off so that's extremely appealing.
Brian and I will be driving to Kerr Thursday afternoon when he gets off work. I'm excited to see the parentals, go horizontal with my license, have some real food and just have 4 days off from school to relax!
Beck signing off.
I don't even care that Baylor lost to Duke in the final half of the Elite 8 game. It was such an awesome game and weekend and SEASON for Baylor. Yes, I'm what you would call a fair weather fan, but I have a feeling that I'm going to become a hardcore legit Baylor basketball fan now. I am so proud of the basketball team.
The Bears have not participated in an Elite 8 tournament since 1950! And I got to see them play this weekend.
Brian and I went to College Station Saturday night and went to Northgate. I had a lot of fun. Not to mention the fact that I hadn't actually hung out with Matney since last October-ish! It was a great weekend and I'm gearing up for a relatively low stress week. Then Easter break! We get Friday AND Monday off so that's extremely appealing.
Brian and I will be driving to Kerr Thursday afternoon when he gets off work. I'm excited to see the parentals, go horizontal with my license, have some real food and just have 4 days off from school to relax!
Beck signing off.
Tuesday, March 16, 2010

I should be studying. But of course I'm not. I'm still in spring break mode, which may or may not be a good thing. It's probably a bad thing.
I have been thinking a lot about my future lately and frankly IM FREAKING OUT. What does a person do after college and why do we ever have to leave this comfortable little bubble? School has been my life for 14 years. And that's all I know. I've spent 14 years of my life learning stuff and pretty soon I'm going to have to go out into the "real world" (still not sure what those words completely entail yet, thus the quotations) and make a life out of it.
Law school is a potentially appealing option. Though I can't afford LSAT prep classes. That's not necessarily a bad thing because I know of many people that don't take the prep classes and still get into law school. Do I just want to go to law school to continue this learning thing for a few more years? Maybe. Do I actually want to be an attorney and help people out and potentially draft some sweet legislation for the corporate world? Yeah, I do.
Billable hours sound pretty great too.
There are just so many things I can do with this life so how do I know which choice(s) are the right ones? Yikes, sounds like I've got my brain full for a while. I'm sure that there is a plan for me and for now I just need to keep workin' on that plan and say YES to opportunities that come my way.
SPRING BREAK WAS GREAT and awesome and amazing and fantastic. I got to spend 9 days at the beach with my best friends with zero obligations and pretty decent weather. All for $250 (not including food, of course). I feel extremely lucky that I get to experience things like that in this life. It was a very surreal week. And it will not be soon noted by my lack of school motivation.
The fam is coming to Waco Thursday to have dinner with me and it will be little bro's first time to see the good old Baylor/Waco community. I'm sure he is just SO excited . . . ha.
Friday, February 26, 2010
School and Life and Stuff
Ah, the blogosphere.
Hello loyal followers (are there like 2 of you out there?) and welcome back. The computer lab always seems to be such a conducive place for blogging. I'm fairly certain this is because I'm extremely and perpetually, for lack of a better word, bored. Yeah, I have 4 tons of homework that I could - and should - be working on, but sometimes I'd rather peruse the depths of the Web, or find out the Urbandictionary word of the day.
By the way, today's word is:
dead cat bounce
Investor slang; a brief recovery in the price of a falling stock. Term is derived from the idea that "even a dead cat will bounce if it falls from a great height."
A little morbid, but that's Urbandic for you.
Mommy, if you're reading this: I had a blast with you and popster this weekend. I'm glad I got to broaden your dining horizons and try out some of the fine eateries in Wacko. SING was also super fun. I'm glad y'all came :) I can't wait for the summer when I get to paint my bedroom for you. Oh, and I checked out and they have A TON of people who are selling aprons. There is one person that I found who has sold over 4,000 aprons in just a couple of years. FOUR THOUSAND. Mom, that could be you! If you need help setting stuff up, let me know. Congrats on becoming a potential small business-er.
I think Brian and I are going to see the movie Shutter Island tonight when I get off work. Yahoo gave it decent reviews and I haven't seen a legit suspense movie I'm excited. Date night!
In other news, school is so busy right now. and next week is going to be BRUTAL. I have FIVE exams and the first part of the newsletter for my internship is supposed to be finished. Eeek. I have not done much work on that, partly because I am trying to re-learn InDesign (Matney, do you remember using InDesign in newspaper and yearbook class?? Yeah, well I have to re-learn it now. Sort of makes me wish I would have taken newspaper more seriously...ha) ...
and InDesign is not a terrbily complicated program, but re-learning it well enough to produce a professional newsletter to be distributed over Waco is going to be a little trying. Especially since I have, oh just this weekend, to re-learn the dang thing. Goody for procrastination and my terrible tendancy to be triggered by its stressors.
I think I will also be gaining about 10 pounds this week due to the massive - but not unappreciated - amounts of chocolate, carbs and cookies that were gratefully delivered to me by madre and padre yesterday. Spring break swimsuit season is looking grim. But guess what?
It's spring break and I get to go to Florida for over a week with my best friends and just lay out and soak in life and stuff. So I really don't care if I look like a bloated whale on my journey across state. The boyfriend I have won't have to see me in said bloated state, so I guess I don't care. He'll be in Kerrville enjoying the scenery, while I'm in FL enjoying the...scenery. Different scenery, that is. I'm rambling.
And I just realized that this is quite a long post. Farewell blogosphere.
Hello loyal followers (are there like 2 of you out there?) and welcome back. The computer lab always seems to be such a conducive place for blogging. I'm fairly certain this is because I'm extremely and perpetually, for lack of a better word, bored. Yeah, I have 4 tons of homework that I could - and should - be working on, but sometimes I'd rather peruse the depths of the Web, or find out the Urbandictionary word of the day.
By the way, today's word is:
dead cat bounce
Investor slang; a brief recovery in the price of a falling stock. Term is derived from the idea that "even a dead cat will bounce if it falls from a great height."
A little morbid, but that's Urbandic for you.
Mommy, if you're reading this: I had a blast with you and popster this weekend. I'm glad I got to broaden your dining horizons and try out some of the fine eateries in Wacko. SING was also super fun. I'm glad y'all came :) I can't wait for the summer when I get to paint my bedroom for you. Oh, and I checked out and they have A TON of people who are selling aprons. There is one person that I found who has sold over 4,000 aprons in just a couple of years. FOUR THOUSAND. Mom, that could be you! If you need help setting stuff up, let me know. Congrats on becoming a potential small business-er.
I think Brian and I are going to see the movie Shutter Island tonight when I get off work. Yahoo gave it decent reviews and I haven't seen a legit suspense movie I'm excited. Date night!
In other news, school is so busy right now. and next week is going to be BRUTAL. I have FIVE exams and the first part of the newsletter for my internship is supposed to be finished. Eeek. I have not done much work on that, partly because I am trying to re-learn InDesign (Matney, do you remember using InDesign in newspaper and yearbook class?? Yeah, well I have to re-learn it now. Sort of makes me wish I would have taken newspaper more seriously...ha) ...
and InDesign is not a terrbily complicated program, but re-learning it well enough to produce a professional newsletter to be distributed over Waco is going to be a little trying. Especially since I have, oh just this weekend, to re-learn the dang thing. Goody for procrastination and my terrible tendancy to be triggered by its stressors.
I think I will also be gaining about 10 pounds this week due to the massive - but not unappreciated - amounts of chocolate, carbs and cookies that were gratefully delivered to me by madre and padre yesterday. Spring break swimsuit season is looking grim. But guess what?
It's spring break and I get to go to Florida for over a week with my best friends and just lay out and soak in life and stuff. So I really don't care if I look like a bloated whale on my journey across state. The boyfriend I have won't have to see me in said bloated state, so I guess I don't care. He'll be in Kerrville enjoying the scenery, while I'm in FL enjoying the...scenery. Different scenery, that is. I'm rambling.
And I just realized that this is quite a long post. Farewell blogosphere.
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Thoughts and stuff
it's a crazy thing, this life. Whoever described it as a rollercoaster hit the nail on the head (sorry for that explosion of cliches - all in one sentence. Dr. Owens would not approve of such poor journalistic behavior).
Today in my public relations class, we were discussing our life plans. We turned in a career plan that outlined the classes we needed to take to graduate, then on to what we thought we'd be doing in the next 10 to 20 years. 10 to 20 years? Is that a joke?
I can hardly keep up with what I'm doing tomorrow, let alone what I'll be doing when I'm wrinkly and more arthritic (exaggeration...I'll get Botox)... I digress.
There was a girl in the class that openly admitted that she was terrified about growing up and what this life has in store for her. I silently thanked her for verbalizing what I (and hopefully the entire class) was thinking. The career plan was an extremely difficult assignment for me...and maybe it's because I'm admittedly indecisive or maybe it's because "real" life is scary, shockingly honest, and terribly ... real.
I enjoy the heck out of this life. I enjoy my friends and my job and my classes (most of them) and adventures and late nights in the library and rainy days where I consider buying rainboots (but never will for risk of being a hypocrit). I enjoy Waco more often than not. I enjoy roadtrips and parent visits and writing and yeah, I guess I enjoy blogging too. I like yoga and pilates and trying new foods (but never sushi). This life is fun.
And there's no other moment like this moment that's ever going to happen again. Isn't that crazy to think about? Does it blow your mind? Each moment is just one chance to do what we want and we'll never get that moment back. Enjoy the heck out every moment, I guess that's what I'm trying to say. Though I don't really know what I'm trying to say and if you're reading this, you probably shouldn't be listening to me anyway because I'm clearly not the best life coach.
Just believe that you're unbelievably blessed to be living in this moment right now. Unbelivably blessed.
Today in my public relations class, we were discussing our life plans. We turned in a career plan that outlined the classes we needed to take to graduate, then on to what we thought we'd be doing in the next 10 to 20 years. 10 to 20 years? Is that a joke?
I can hardly keep up with what I'm doing tomorrow, let alone what I'll be doing when I'm wrinkly and more arthritic (exaggeration...I'll get Botox)... I digress.
There was a girl in the class that openly admitted that she was terrified about growing up and what this life has in store for her. I silently thanked her for verbalizing what I (and hopefully the entire class) was thinking. The career plan was an extremely difficult assignment for me...and maybe it's because I'm admittedly indecisive or maybe it's because "real" life is scary, shockingly honest, and terribly ... real.
I enjoy the heck out of this life. I enjoy my friends and my job and my classes (most of them) and adventures and late nights in the library and rainy days where I consider buying rainboots (but never will for risk of being a hypocrit). I enjoy Waco more often than not. I enjoy roadtrips and parent visits and writing and yeah, I guess I enjoy blogging too. I like yoga and pilates and trying new foods (but never sushi). This life is fun.
And there's no other moment like this moment that's ever going to happen again. Isn't that crazy to think about? Does it blow your mind? Each moment is just one chance to do what we want and we'll never get that moment back. Enjoy the heck out every moment, I guess that's what I'm trying to say. Though I don't really know what I'm trying to say and if you're reading this, you probably shouldn't be listening to me anyway because I'm clearly not the best life coach.
Just believe that you're unbelievably blessed to be living in this moment right now. Unbelivably blessed.
Monday, February 8, 2010
Umbrellas look like turkey legs.
Hello blogosphere.
You'll be delighted to know that the forecast in good old Waco, Texas is a beautiful 44 degrees with 86 percent humidity; rainy, muggy and downright disgusting. My shoes are soaked, my Northface is probably ruined, and the top of my hair is matted down with rainwater.
Other blogworthy news: I just had my advising appointment and planned out my graduation plan. Scary! I filled out the name I'd like on my diploma (Mom, you'll be happy that I filled it out as Katherine, not Katie). Katherine J. Beck. I also changed my major...AGAIN. Don't kill me, I'll still be graduating on time (May 2011) and I'm now a Marketing and Management double major-er. I'm also considering law school (I ordered some LSAT books today and have started researching LSAT prep classes. What I've learned from that process is that LSAT prep classes are not cheap! Okay, I already knew that, but it's heartwarming to know that the gross expenses for LSAT prep classes only grow exponentially larger in law school).
If you're wondering, yes, I have had all sorts of ambiguity with my major thus far. Here's a run down of the various majors I have held (because I know you're intrigued, thoroughly):
Freshman - Psychology/Pre-Dent; Biology/Pre-Dent
Sophomore - Business, Undeclared/Pre-Dent; Business/Undeclared NO MORE Pre-Dent
Junior - Marketing and Business Journalism; Marketing and Management/Pre-Law
Senior - Hopefully Marketing and Management/ Pre-Law
As you can see, I have had quite a bit of mind-changing. And I think that's alright. I think that the whole graduating in four years thing is overrated. Although I'm still graduating in four years. I just don't see how 18, 19, and 20 year olds are supposed to figure out WHAT IN THE WORLD to do with our lives in the short time we're in college. Granted, we're probably supposed to already have an IDEA when we graduate high school, but I don't think I'm alone when I say that I didn't really have a clue.
Je ne sais pas.
You'll be delighted to know that the forecast in good old Waco, Texas is a beautiful 44 degrees with 86 percent humidity; rainy, muggy and downright disgusting. My shoes are soaked, my Northface is probably ruined, and the top of my hair is matted down with rainwater.
Other blogworthy news: I just had my advising appointment and planned out my graduation plan. Scary! I filled out the name I'd like on my diploma (Mom, you'll be happy that I filled it out as Katherine, not Katie). Katherine J. Beck. I also changed my major...AGAIN. Don't kill me, I'll still be graduating on time (May 2011) and I'm now a Marketing and Management double major-er. I'm also considering law school (I ordered some LSAT books today and have started researching LSAT prep classes. What I've learned from that process is that LSAT prep classes are not cheap! Okay, I already knew that, but it's heartwarming to know that the gross expenses for LSAT prep classes only grow exponentially larger in law school).
If you're wondering, yes, I have had all sorts of ambiguity with my major thus far. Here's a run down of the various majors I have held (because I know you're intrigued, thoroughly):
Freshman - Psychology/Pre-Dent; Biology/Pre-Dent
Sophomore - Business, Undeclared/Pre-Dent; Business/Undeclared NO MORE Pre-Dent
Junior - Marketing and Business Journalism; Marketing and Management/Pre-Law
Senior - Hopefully Marketing and Management/ Pre-Law
As you can see, I have had quite a bit of mind-changing. And I think that's alright. I think that the whole graduating in four years thing is overrated. Although I'm still graduating in four years. I just don't see how 18, 19, and 20 year olds are supposed to figure out WHAT IN THE WORLD to do with our lives in the short time we're in college. Granted, we're probably supposed to already have an IDEA when we graduate high school, but I don't think I'm alone when I say that I didn't really have a clue.
Je ne sais pas.
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
This post is awkward.

When I decided to join a sorority freshman year, I was a little uncertain that it would be the right thing for me. I'm not the most "HEY GIRL I'M LIKE TOTALLY EXCITED TO HANG OUT WITH MY SISTAS LIKE ALL THE TIME. YEAH" person ... I've always felt that I got along better with guys. But I thought that it couldn't hurt to rush. College is about re-inventing yourself, right? Maybe there's a part of me that really does want strong relationships with girls.
I didn't know anything about sororities either. The only thing I knew was that two of my good friends from high school had already rushed in the fall (Baylor has deferred spring rush) and it sounded like they were having a fun time... and I figured I didn't have much to lose. My roommate freshman year was also gung-ho about rushing so I was influenced by that as well.
I can honestly say that becoming a Theta was one of the best choices of my life. Without sounding too cliche, I always have a girfriend that I can hang out with - whether it be a study date, going out for dinner or drinks, seeing a movie, or just lounging at home in our socks and watching HGTV. Being a member of a sorority has changed my perception of friendships, for the better.
I'm glad that I decided to try something new because it has opened up my life to many other experiences, networking and relationships that I would not have had otherwise.
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Law Enforcement, where were you then?
Well, I got a ticket today. A parking ticket. From the Waco police.
Isn't that just great? Would you like to know what I got it for? For parking "the wrong direction on a street."
Let me explain my frustration.
First of all, I wasn't the only car that got one of these tickets. About 5 other cars along the street who were "parked in the wrong direction" also got tickets. $60 to be exact.
Second, I realize that this is a law, but I didn't realize that neighborhood streets on the side of apartment complexes counted as such. A street so wide that if cars were to park on either side of the street, there would still be plenty of room for two lanes between the cars.
Third, I was following the flow of parking on that street. I was not the first car to "face the wrong direction." there were already at least 3 other cars (2 of which I parked between) "facing the wrong way."
Next, Shouldn't Waco law enforcement be conducting more important business than perusing neighborhood streets near Baylor's campus where Baylor police should have authority? Shouldn't law enforcement be looking for real criminals or busting parties?
Last, one of my friend's car windows got smashed in just a couple weeks ago parked in the same spot that I was parked when I got a ticket. Where was law enforcement to handle that situation? Oh, that's right, they were probably near other neighborhood streets finding other unsuspecting (and broke) college students who were "parked the wrong way" on a street.
I'm eating chocolate now because I'm depressed.
Isn't that just great? Would you like to know what I got it for? For parking "the wrong direction on a street."
Let me explain my frustration.
First of all, I wasn't the only car that got one of these tickets. About 5 other cars along the street who were "parked in the wrong direction" also got tickets. $60 to be exact.
Second, I realize that this is a law, but I didn't realize that neighborhood streets on the side of apartment complexes counted as such. A street so wide that if cars were to park on either side of the street, there would still be plenty of room for two lanes between the cars.
Third, I was following the flow of parking on that street. I was not the first car to "face the wrong direction." there were already at least 3 other cars (2 of which I parked between) "facing the wrong way."
Next, Shouldn't Waco law enforcement be conducting more important business than perusing neighborhood streets near Baylor's campus where Baylor police should have authority? Shouldn't law enforcement be looking for real criminals or busting parties?
Last, one of my friend's car windows got smashed in just a couple weeks ago parked in the same spot that I was parked when I got a ticket. Where was law enforcement to handle that situation? Oh, that's right, they were probably near other neighborhood streets finding other unsuspecting (and broke) college students who were "parked the wrong way" on a street.
I'm eating chocolate now because I'm depressed.
Saturday, January 23, 2010
That polka dot bikini
If you're like me and are in denial about your health and workout ethic ("It's okay if I eat these 6 slices of extra cheese and italian sausage Domino's pizza because I'll just work it off tomorrow." Just FYI, tomorrow came and I never worked out.), and you need some motivation to get into spring break shape in 42 days .. I have the solution for you.
If you're lacking motivation to work out, try on your favorite bathing suit (the one you will be wearing for the majority of SB 10) and take a picture of yourself in it. You are not allowed to suck in anywhere and you're not allowed to stand in a flattering position (i.e. hand over stomach, leg arched, arms on hips). Stand the way you would stand if you were standing on a scale.
Now, take a picture of yourself like that. And upload it onto your computer and admire. If you like what you see, well I'd say you're in pretty good shape...or you have egocentric bias. Because what girl likes the way she looks in a bathing suit picture on her computer right after holiday season?? Not I.
Here is the picture that I took of myself below:
Okay, not really. Did you actually think I would show the world that picture?
I have been taking Yoga and Pilates classes this week (one of each was all time permitted), but I I also ran the bear trail last night and I'm planning on running it again today. My goal is to attend Yoga and Pilates the amount that they offered each week (7-8pm Mon thru Thurs) and run the bear trail 3x a week and get some modest weight lifting in on Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday. I think that is an attainable goal.
Oh yeah, and no more 6 slices of pizza.
Friday, January 22, 2010
Many artifacts in this one
Only 45 minutes of work left (hurrah) and then it's off to eat with the Rolaters aka my second parental unit. I hate it when I'm given the decision to choose where to eat dinner. I'm one of the most indecisive people you will ever meet and the fact that I have to make a decision as involved as where to eat ... DINNER (sarcasm noted), well it's a little overwhelming.
I got an internship this semester working for the Theta scholarship advisor at Midway where I will be designing press releases, writing newsletters, editing columns, writing some of my own columns and doing general PR for Midway. It's not paid and it only involves 4 to 6 hours a week but I'm excited to have the experience and a resume builder.
If you couldn't tell, I'm trying to kill time by writing this little gem. There is no one in the lab, but in efforts to earn another $9, I'm going to resist the temptation to close the lab early. Yeah, I'm a team leader now..I have that authority.
Brian is a bit upset because he took a tax test or something (I really don't understand this accounting mumbo jumbo so when I say a tax test, I'm not fully aware what that entails) but it took him 2 hours to complete and it was only 30 questions. And he's usually an extremely fast test-taker. Anyway, he locked himself in a little cubby in the lab and he didn't come out for dos horas, and when he did come out, the look on his face was not stellar. They only get two chances to take this test and I think he failed it the first time. He's not one to fail things twice, however, so I know that he's going to probably study his little heiny off and get a 100 next time.
Oh, he also fixed a computer virus today on one of the lab computers, a process that usually takes special software days to fix. And I also heard through the grapevine that Gregory Scott Rolater has recently made a weight bench and dumb bells out of scrap metal. Those two men sure got the smart, creative, analytical brains.
Today I went Goodwill'n and I purchased a 3 feet tall vintage mirror for $6.99. I'm in love. I think I might paint it turquoise and then age the turquoise a little bit (the base color is currently cream) and hang it in the hallway that leads to my bedroom. Not sure yet.
All I know is that I'm hungry and ready for din.
I got an internship this semester working for the Theta scholarship advisor at Midway where I will be designing press releases, writing newsletters, editing columns, writing some of my own columns and doing general PR for Midway. It's not paid and it only involves 4 to 6 hours a week but I'm excited to have the experience and a resume builder.
If you couldn't tell, I'm trying to kill time by writing this little gem. There is no one in the lab, but in efforts to earn another $9, I'm going to resist the temptation to close the lab early. Yeah, I'm a team leader now..I have that authority.
Brian is a bit upset because he took a tax test or something (I really don't understand this accounting mumbo jumbo so when I say a tax test, I'm not fully aware what that entails) but it took him 2 hours to complete and it was only 30 questions. And he's usually an extremely fast test-taker. Anyway, he locked himself in a little cubby in the lab and he didn't come out for dos horas, and when he did come out, the look on his face was not stellar. They only get two chances to take this test and I think he failed it the first time. He's not one to fail things twice, however, so I know that he's going to probably study his little heiny off and get a 100 next time.
Oh, he also fixed a computer virus today on one of the lab computers, a process that usually takes special software days to fix. And I also heard through the grapevine that Gregory Scott Rolater has recently made a weight bench and dumb bells out of scrap metal. Those two men sure got the smart, creative, analytical brains.
Today I went Goodwill'n and I purchased a 3 feet tall vintage mirror for $6.99. I'm in love. I think I might paint it turquoise and then age the turquoise a little bit (the base color is currently cream) and hang it in the hallway that leads to my bedroom. Not sure yet.
All I know is that I'm hungry and ready for din.
Thursday, January 21, 2010
What a beautiful day it is today! It almost makes me feel guilty that I'm sitting inside watching HGTV and doing homework (and procrastinating, obviously) while the sun shines outside.
One of my professors decided to have class outside today. It was perfect. We walked over to the steps of Moody Library and just sat on them...and had class. A Lariat reporter even came over and started taking our picture. It's not often that professors decide to teach outside (in fact, it has only happened one other time in my Baylor career and that prof was a loopy history buff who showed us how to shoot a musket that day).
Tonight boasts of $3 margaritas at George's and Piano Man after that. Thursdays are good days.
One of my professors decided to have class outside today. It was perfect. We walked over to the steps of Moody Library and just sat on them...and had class. A Lariat reporter even came over and started taking our picture. It's not often that professors decide to teach outside (in fact, it has only happened one other time in my Baylor career and that prof was a loopy history buff who showed us how to shoot a musket that day).
Tonight boasts of $3 margaritas at George's and Piano Man after that. Thursdays are good days.
Monday, January 18, 2010
Everyone is Alive.

I had a great weekend in Austin! Brian and I got a really great deal and stayed in the Omni Southpark hotel, which was only 5 minutes from downtown = cheap cab ride. I think it was Brian's first time in a cab and he found it to be incredibly awkward.
In other news, spring break plans are under way and the destination spot this year is DESTIN, FLA. Which means that I need to start getting into bathing suit shape. This could be a process. The countdown is here and it's 46 days away!
I'm re-reading Atonement by Ian Mcewan right now. He is an AMAZING writer. I've read four of his books so far and I highly recommend his works.
It IS a little awkward, especially when you try to make conversation with the cab drivers (which I did) and they speak very broken english. We also tried out my camera's self-timer and it was quite successful.
In other news, spring break plans are under way and the destination spot this year is DESTIN, FLA. Which means that I need to start getting into bathing suit shape. This could be a process. The countdown is here and it's 46 days away!
I'm re-reading Atonement by Ian Mcewan right now. He is an AMAZING writer. I've read four of his books so far and I highly recommend his works.
"Was everyone really as alive as she was? If the answer was yes, then the world, the social world, was unbearably complicated, with two billion voices, and everyone's thoughts striving in equal importance and everyone's claim on life as intense, and everyone thinking they were unique, when no one was."
Ian Mcewan (Atonement)
Monday, January 11, 2010
Sunday, January 10, 2010
Back to the Grindstone
Wow, this has been such a busy week.
Rush is finally over and I was able to get 6 hours of sleep last night - during rush, I got about ohhh 2 hours a night. It was definitely more time consuming being part of everything than being a Gamma Chi like I was last semester. I had a lot more fun though.
The new pledge class just might be the cutest one yet (though I still think MY pledge class is the best one...haha). They are all really great, smart and classy girls and I cannot wait to meet all of them.
One of my best friends is leaving this semester for Semester at Sea, which is a semester abroad cruise basically where she visits over 10 different countries. We had a celebratory/goodbye dinner and festivities for her last night. It was a little sad, and I don't usually get emotional about those types of things.
ANDDD SCHOOOL STARTS TOMORROW. WHYYYYY? I am not looking forward to it. That's all I want to say on that topic. I don't want to talk about it.
Rush is finally over and I was able to get 6 hours of sleep last night - during rush, I got about ohhh 2 hours a night. It was definitely more time consuming being part of everything than being a Gamma Chi like I was last semester. I had a lot more fun though.
The new pledge class just might be the cutest one yet (though I still think MY pledge class is the best one...haha). They are all really great, smart and classy girls and I cannot wait to meet all of them.
One of my best friends is leaving this semester for Semester at Sea, which is a semester abroad cruise basically where she visits over 10 different countries. We had a celebratory/goodbye dinner and festivities for her last night. It was a little sad, and I don't usually get emotional about those types of things.
ANDDD SCHOOOL STARTS TOMORROW. WHYYYYY? I am not looking forward to it. That's all I want to say on that topic. I don't want to talk about it.
Monday, January 4, 2010
never realized how much of an HGTV addict I was until right now. I have literally watched the same rerun three times in one day.
Saturday, January 2, 2010
Back in the Wack
I got back to Waco last night.
Got my hair did today. It's about 6 inches shorter and wayyy blonder.
Went to Walmart today with Jennifer. Showed off my new 'do. None of the Waco locals seemed to notice a difference. hmm I think that is probably a good sign.
Jennifer called 911 on our obnoxious neighbors tonight. She goes to bed at 10pm and they were being loud. Give the girl some credit (Jennifer, I love you). Personally, I didn't even know that 911 was a real thing. I mean, we were all warned as children that we SHOULD NEVER call the infamous 911 unless it was an EMERGENCY. Noise complaint? I guess so.
Oh and I just polished off a full jar of Nutella while watching HGTV. Welcome back to the wack.
Got my hair did today. It's about 6 inches shorter and wayyy blonder.
Went to Walmart today with Jennifer. Showed off my new 'do. None of the Waco locals seemed to notice a difference. hmm I think that is probably a good sign.
Jennifer called 911 on our obnoxious neighbors tonight. She goes to bed at 10pm and they were being loud. Give the girl some credit (Jennifer, I love you). Personally, I didn't even know that 911 was a real thing. I mean, we were all warned as children that we SHOULD NEVER call the infamous 911 unless it was an EMERGENCY. Noise complaint? I guess so.
Oh and I just polished off a full jar of Nutella while watching HGTV. Welcome back to the wack.
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